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For more on Anchoring:

Ten Tips for Anchoring
Safely and Securely

  1. Choose a spot protected against wind and waves
  2. Allow for the variation in tide when surveying depth
  3. Avoid anchoring in restricted areas (navigation channels, underwater cables, etc)
  4. Identify an exit strategy in case conditions change & set an anchor alarm or anchor watch if needed
  5. Anchor far enough away from other boats to avoid overlapping swing radius
  6. Confirm that the anchor is set by sighting stationary objects on shore
  7. Choose the right anchor for the bottom type 
  8. Use a combination rope/chain rode to absorb shock loads
          (ie, snubber with chain rode, chain length with rope rode)
  9. Always use chafe protection
  10. Let out sufficient scope for the conditions (5:1 normally, 7:1 or more for storm conditions)


Alex and Daria Blackwell are the authors of “Happy Hooking - The Art of Anchoring.” It covers every aspect of anchors and anchoring in a fun and easy to read format with lots of photos and illustrations. It is available from good chandleries, Amazon  and on our publishing website.

For more information on this subject or on anchoring in general, please see our book:

Happy Hooking - the Art of Anchoring


Joy of sailingCoastal Boating (Reg. in Ireland No. 443222) is a division of Knowledge Clinic Ltd.
Port Aleria, Rosnakilly, Kilmeena, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland - USA: PO Box 726, Mahwah, NJ 07430
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